Parent Resources
World Book Online is terrific resource for nonfiction reading material geared toward elementary-aged students. username= cpshome password= (ask your teacher if you've forgotten the password)
International Children's Digital Library: A Library for the World's Children
This site offers access to thousands of digital texts from more than 45 different cultures through a very easy-to-use interface. This site will be of interest to English language learners and students of all ages as it provides opportunities to connect with the global and historical aspects of literature.
Storyline Online is an online streaming video program featuring members of the Screen Actors Guild reading children's books aloud.
Reading Rockets offers a wealth of information about reading stragegies, lessons, and activities designed to help young children learn how to read. These reading resources assist parents in working with struggling readers who require additional help in reading fundamentals and comprehension skills development. This site is very well organized with divisions of resources into three categories: Teachers, Parents, Kids. Of greatest interest in applying effective oral reading practices, are the tips and research supporting the read-aloud techniques of parents and teachers. In addition the BookFlix program in which fiction and nonfiction texts are paired by theme and read-aloud with highlighted captioning and linked activities provides an opportunity to compare and contrast fiction and nonfiction texts.
Reference: Good-bye Round Robin by Michael F. Opitz and Timothy V. Rasinski