October 18, 2024
It’s hard to believe we’re already in October! The school year is flying by, and we have so much to celebrate and be thankful for. We’re especially grateful for your continued partnership and support as we work together to create the best experience for your children.
There have already been many highlights this year. In September, we had our first successful all-school meeting, celebrated positive MCAS results, and saw great outcomes in our early assessments, while identifying students in need of intervention through the MTSS process. We’ve also enjoyed exciting field trips and enrichment activities, and we’re thrilled to have launched a newly formed Student Council!
Looking ahead, we’re eager to see you during our upcoming parent-teacher conferences on November 1st. Your child’s teacher will be reaching out to schedule a time with you soon. While we prefer in-person conferences, we can accommodate alternative needs to ensure these important conversations happen.
Parent-teacher conferences are a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child’s strengths, growth areas, and any questions or concerns you may have. I’m also available throughout the day if you would like to connect with me directly.
Thank you again for your ongoing support. We look forward to continuing this exciting journey together!
Let’s stay in touch! Follow us on Instagram for regular updates. https://www.instagram.com/thoreauelementaryconcord/
Check out our new playground website: Thoreau’s Backyard